Rapid Solutions
for Your Savings!

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About Us

Profitable And Successful Investment.

SAVE & SAFE was incorporated with the sole objective of providing financial planning and wealth management solutions to investors.

We provide a one-stop solution for all financials needs ranging from investment, insurance to wealth management and portfolio planning. We started with the intention of creating a Very Suitably Planned Financial module for our clients and we are proud to have adhered by it.


  • To be appointed as your own personal financial advisor.
  • To assist you in meeting your goals.
  • To provide unbiased advice.


Managing your money using Value Investing principles

Why choose us?

We Offer Personalized Financial Planning Service

At Save & Safe, we understand that the journey of wealth creation, preservation, and succession requires skill, knowledge, foresight, and care. We believe that any wealth planning solution first begins with a listening ear to our client’s needs and concerns. We offer an investment-led wealth management service that applies independent and tailored client advisees across a multi-custodial platform.


Get customized advice across investments, goals, expenses, insurance, loans, estate planning, and taxes.


Implement your customized advice by buying all the recommended financial products on one single platform.


Track your journey and review/rebalance your investments to make sure they are aligned with your goals.


Years of experience



Your personal financial guide.

We not only handle our client’s investment portfolio but also believe in handling their fear, insecurity or anxiety towards their personal goals and finances.